Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th June 2017
We kindly request all participants to submit their abstracts using the CM3P Abstract Template.
CM3P Abstract Template: Click here | Abstract Submission: Click here |
How to submit my abstract or paper to the Microsoft CMT system
The Microsoft CMT system has been designed to ensure smooth and efficient conference submission. If you encounter any technical difficulties with the submission system, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance (cm3p.eng@gmail.com). Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to receiving your abstracts.
1. You need to login or create a new account.
2. Once you are logged in, search for CM3P in the All Conferences search box.
3. Selecting the conference’s name, you will be able to access the author’s console. Select “new submission” to upload your abstract or paper.
4. Fill all required fields and upload your abstract/paper using the CM3P abstract template.
Video Tutorial
A video tutorial for how to make submission in the Microsoft CMT system can be found here.