2017 Chairs and Committees


Prof. Chenfeng Li

Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, Data and AI

Faculty of Science and Engineering, Swansea University, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)1792 602256; Email: c.f.li@swansea.ac.uk

Prof. F.M. Andrade Pires

Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEMec)

Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal

Phone: +351 22 5083479; Email: fpires@fe.up.pt

Scientific Committee

  • Michael Beer, Germany
  • René de Borst, United Kingdom
  • Pedro Camanho, Portugal
  • Marcin Kamiński, Poland
  • António Ferreira, Portugal
  • Marc Geers, Netherlands
  • Roger G. Ghanem, USA
  • George Em Karniadakis, USA
  • Pierre Ladeveze, France
  • Wing K. Liu, USA
  • Hermann G. Matthies, Germany
  • Herbert A. Mang, Austria
  • E de Souza Neto, United Kingdom
  • Eugenio Oñate, Spain
  • Manolis Papadrakakis, Greece
  • Stefanie Reese, Germany
  • Nuno Silvestre, Portugal
  • Christian Soize, France
  • Peter Wriggers, Germany
  • Zhuo Zhuang, China

Conference Secretariat

For general information and organizational matters,  please contact

Ms Carla Monteiro: cm3p.eng@gmail.com